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National Public Health Week

ArkPHA Community Garden Mini Grant

As a part of National Public Health Week 2022, the Arkansas Public Health Association’s (ArkPHA) Nutrition Section is accepting applications for mini grant proposals from Arkansas communities for the purpose of sustaining an existing community garden program.  Through this opportunity, we wish to help communities in maintaining a community garden that will improve access to healthy food, combat food insecurities, and cultivate social and emotional well-being.

ArkPHA will partner with these community gardens to promote healthier communities by supporting the role of community gardens in improving access to fresh fruits and vegetables and encouraging a communal space for social interactions.

National Public Health Week – Community: Collaboration and Resilience

ArkPHA is offering mini-grants ranging from $250.00 to $500.00.


  • Located in Arkansas.
  • Existing and established community garden.
  • Accessible to the community.
  • Agree to partner with ArkPHA during NPHW 2022

Applications must be submitted by Sunday, March 27th, 2022, by 11:59pm CT. Grant recipients will be notified by Friday, April 1st, 2022, via email.

If you have any questions, please contact

Community Garden Mini Grant Application
(i.e. garden manager, chair, board member, etc.)
Tell us about your community garden and the population served. (250 words maximum)
Why should your community garden be awarded the ArkPHA Community Garden Mini Grant? Include specific information about a garden project you want to fund and how it will benefit the community. (250 words maximum)
If awarded, how will your mini grant be used and what will it pay for? (250 words maximum)
Provide a short 1 -2-minute video or pictures of your community garden.
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