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Arkansas Public Health Association

Executive Council Strategic Planning Meeting

ADH Main Building, L137

July 18, 2017


Call to order at approximately 11:15 AM

Members present

In-person: Tammy Cook, Jennifer Medley, Barbara Pauly, Andi Ridgway, Brandi Roberts, Susan Starks

Via phone: Natalie Andrews, Ashley Clark, Quinita Henry, Quinyatta Mumford, Libby Seftar, Richard Taffner

National APHA Meeting (Ashley Clark)

The meeting will be held in Washington, DC on DATES. The meeting will provide opportunities to network with Presidents-Elect from other states and gather new ideas for Arkansas’s annual conference. Ashley will provide a report to the Executive Council (EC) at the next meeting.

Executive Council Member’s Goals for 2017-2018

President (Quinyatta Mumford)

Goal: Regroup and refocus as an organization in order to grow the organization. Includes engaging and including other public-health related agencies as well as university representatives. Quinyatta is currently working with professors from various universities to determine how to best engage students.

Goal: To look outside of ADH and UAMS/College of Public Health to identify potential partners. This includes determining how organizations can get involved in ARPHA (e.g. membership costs and developing messaging around the return on investment for joining ARPHA.

Past president goals (Susan Starks)

Goal: To develop a full slate of officers running for positions early in the year. She is planning to announce EC, Section, and Committee openings in October 2017. Susan will talk with Quinyatta about opening all Member-At-Large positions next year for nominees.

President Elect (Ashley Clark)

Goal: To plan the 2018 conference effectively; increase conference attendance; and meet all deadlines.

First VP (Brandi Roberts)

Goal: To increase collaborations with other organizations.

Goal: To increase visibility of APHA in the state.

Second VP (Andi Ridgway)

Goal: To establish a snail mail mailing list for retired members and members who may not have an email address in order to better communicate with these members.

Treasurer (Jennifer Medley)

Goal: To keep ARPHA in the black and be responsive to requests from EC and other members/potential members.

American Public Health Association (Tammy Cook)

Goal: To work with other states to determine the best ways to increase membership and sustain organization.

Southern Health Association (Libby Seftar)

Goal: To promote the Southern Health Association (SHA) with ARPHA council. Libby would like to conduct a presentation with ARPHA EC and other about SHA.

Goal: To build a stronger partnership with SHA and increase membership in SHA.

Goal: To have representatives from SHA speaker at ARPHA’s 2018 conference.

Quinyatta and Libby will discuss bringing SHA folks to speak at annual conference. Libby will find out when the next year is for SHA to partner with ARPHA. Libby attends annual SHA conference and gives Arkansas report and SHA includes information about ARPHA officers on their website.

Parliamentarian (Quinita Henry)

Goal: To gain better understand Roberts Rules of Order, responsibilities of position, and ARPHA by-laws.

Member-at-Large (Barbara Pauly)

Goal: To increase membership by engaging new members and current members in different ways. Barbara noted that she is considering developing a survey of current members to identify why they are or are not engaged/active in ARPHA.


It is time to update the ARPHA by-laws. A copy of the by-laws will be sent to all EC members for review. Please send all questions and/or suggestions for revision to Quinita Henry by August 1, 2017.

Brainstorming overarching goals for APHA to accomplish in 2017-2018

Quinyatta stressed that she would like for the EC to focus on organizational business when thinking of broad goals. She asked the group to frame their thinking in terms of what they would like to see happen for/with the organization.

Ideas included:

  • Streamlining membership process (who gets forms, how new members are welcomed) (Quinyatta)
  • Offering something to engage members throughout the year (e.g. training, continuing education) (Libby) Jennifer noted that the ARPHA’s Health Administration Section (HAS) conducted a survey of ADH employees regarding their training needs and is in the process of analyzing those data. The HAS plans to implement trainings throughout the year. Jennifer encouraged those interested in this effort to join the HAS.
  • Identifying an ambassador to UAMS/College of Public Health to help drive student engagement and student membership (dues are $5 for students) (Susan)
  • Develop a one-pager or other document that spells out what APHA does, what membership benefits are, what’s in it for members/return on investment (Barbara) Tammy noted that she had a PowerPoint presentation that covered much of this and she sent it out via email to EC members for review. EC members can bring ideas related to this to the next meeting
  • Build up the ARPHA sections

Conference-related suggestions (Natalie):

1) Keep online registration

2) Maintain access to CEUs for conference (important for nurses/clinical staff)


Quinyatta noted that the conference chair and committee will work on conference plans. These suggestions will be shared with that group.

Other Notes

Secretary position will remain vacant for now. Any member who receives a membership form should send the form immediately to Quinyatta (MS-32).

Ashley will be sending out information soon related to the conference planning committee. Date for conference is pending.

Tammy updated the group on the National APHA’s priority area (Climate Change) and advocacy priorities (protect funding for CDC and HRSA; protect the ACA, especially the Prevention and Public Health Fund). APHA is recommending that members meet with local congressmen/women regarding these issues. If you can’t meet then go to town hall meetings, get on list serves, and follow their social media regarding these issues. Quinyatta and Tammy will meet to discuss both at APHA conference in November.

Motion to adjourn: Andi 

Second: Jennifer

Meeting adjourned at 11:57 AM

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